Kender Magic Items

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"Sting" The belt of the mad hellcat - Thisenthat Somthinerotherr
+2 Hoopak of Wandering - Corynna Skylark
+5 Hammer of whack-a-mole-ing - Darian Arrowood
Arm Breaking Mace - speedy
Axe of the Gully Magi - Unknown Gully Dwarf
Bash's Long Stick of Mighty Ouchies - Bash the Gully Dwarf
Big Owies Maker - Wyrbender
Blade of Thorns - Andrew
Club (leg of a chair) of bludgeoning - Jarl Tenderfoot
Congor's Real Walking Stick Of Reality - ChronoDragon
Convinient Sword - Tobigera
Cutlas Of Goldan Dread - Boban Saltyface
Da Big Poker Stick - GullyGod
Dagger of Dragons - Kistlit Plurwood
Dagger of Low Magic - Water Lilly
Dagger of Slowing - Arania
Darrge the dagger - Bendrig Mapmaker
Deity Sword - Bairn Shava
Fallen Angel's Dagger - Twyla Flipknot
Fizban's Hat - Adereth Dreamflyer
Flaming Sword of Energize - James Darkblade
Gaia Sword - Ben
Goose Teethocopter - Klappenoot the Kender
Hoopack of Dragonkind - Tasslehoff Pinchpocket
Hoopack of hitting - Magus Stickeyfingers
Hoopak Mark II - Thistledown Kendergnome
Hoopak of Big Boom - Hillrunner downhill
Hoopak of Doing Stuff - Kinlin Slingthrower
Hoopak of Flame - Tanaquil Furrfoot
Hoopak of Flitchit - Dracon Lockpicker
Hoopak of Intense Pacifism - Gaffleknot Furrfoot
Hoopak of Prodigious Snoring - Ryluz Tendermore
Hoopak of Rock Creation - Jade Lockpicker
Hoopak of the Dragons - Dreamer Jingleheim
Hoopak Of the sumer flame - Stagnot Humplestump
Hoopak of Transformation - Jared
Kender Hoopak of Thought - Richard
Kender's Anguish - Crizon - Kender of the Afflicted
Kenya's Hoopak of Friendship - Kenya Goodfellow
Kitti's Dagger of Changing - Kitti Wanderfast
Koplus' Hoopak - Temrin Wanderer
Laughstar's Wand of Giggling - Laughstar Gigglepuss
Lumny's Magic Club of ReptileBane - Tasslehoff Fargo
Magic Hoopak of Shapeshifting - Brightangel Thistlesong
Mudraiser - Standback
Multi-purpose Rod - Simonius
Phil the Sword - Solstice Bramblebug
Photon Hoopak - HapiGoNuki
Pipin whistlebower's annoying dancing flyswatter - Pippin whistleblower
Poker's Hoopak of Destiny - Pokerstickleaf Dragonsbane
Powder of Acho - Soh Whardego
Pyro's hoopak of taunting - Pyro Fleetfoot
Rabbitslayer - Tasslehoff Burrfoot
Reebus Padfoot's Hoopak - Reebus Padfoot
Sithak of Rainbow Hues - Ryluz Tendermore
Splat's Stealth Hoopak - Splat of Hylo
Staff of Stinging Laughter - Seiryu Staffswinger
Staff of Timelessness - Dilimli Ragingsquirrel
Sting - Topknot Graverobber
Sword of Kenderkin - jesterjoe20
Sword of stormbringing - Adrian
Tarnic Quicksilver's hoopak of shattering - Tarnic Quicksilver
Tarnic Quicksliver's +3 hoopak of shattering - Tarnic Qicksilver
Taryn's Amazing Hoopak of Movement and Power - Taryn Pickenhands
Tas' Hoopak - Insaniac
Tasslehoff's Hoopak - Jon
Tasslehoffs *ahem* interesting talking hoopak - Tasslehoff44
Teethbrush of Vanquishing - Iwayhara Daevarien
The Bat of Bat Batting - Rian Nettlebranch
The Butterknife of Blood - Jaswan Trickbringer
the Chapak of colours - Dailben Rockslinger
The Chapak of Spirit Searching - Kiven Thornfinder
The Cursed Hoopak of Harkis - Skip Furrfoot
The Great Superball of Enemy Slaying - Jason Grunlien
The Green Crystal Hoopak - Jorin Thistleknott
The Hoopak of Chemosh - Andrew Mercier
The Hoopak of Spring Dawning - Raimen Pursesnatcher
The Hoopak of the 5th age - FuzzFoot WoodChip
The Incredible Shrinking Hoopak - Conrad Burrfoot
The Kender Dagger of Activation - Thistleprick Bookbinder
The Kender Flail of Pretty Colors - TackInToe HurtsRealBad
The Kender Sword of Fizban - Ladybug Windowsmasher
The Relic of the 4th Age - FuzzFoot WoodChip
The Spinning Sithak - Dreamer Jingleheim
Thistlehair's Khopesh of Supreme Power - Thistlehair Daggersnatcher
Toothpick of Annoying Wood Splinters +5 - Brighteyes
Trident of Meiniki - Malar Redwood
Uncle Fizzles Wonderous Hoopak of Fanning and ... - Bramble Thisltesilk
Uncle Trapspringer's Hoopak - Lord Chaos, formerly Chao Lord
Windsinger - Thisledown Paddypaws

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