Currently there are 22 creatures on the list. |
[Large Dragon (Water)] by Windrunner
Come hither, my friend, and heed my warning well. Do not go near the swamps or northern forrests. A dragon resides there.His name is Bachur. He is a black dragon, and powerful in strength and magic. If you seek council with the beast, you must do so with Bachur's only ally...
[Large Construct (Reptilian)] by Spectriplex
It's appearence gives it's name, Ballitei are constructed from spells with a sphere-based radius.
[Huge Elemental (Fire)] by Ben
A gigantic flaming demon with a large flaming sword (yes, this is the balrog from The Lord Of The Rings)
[Small Shapechanger ] by The Skiver
A wolven-version of a doppleganger. Mischeiveous, deadly, and a good companion to have around.
[Large Animal ] by Emiricol
The Bandrost is a large animal, usually found in forests and rough hilly areas - where the terrain helps coceal the large size of this stealth hunter.
[Medium Construct ] by William M. Vetor
The Battlebot is humanoid in shape, standing almost 7' tall. Two long legs and arms, with over-sized hands and feet, are attached to a vaguely triangular torso. It has no head to speak of, only a small clear dome that sits on the shoulder area.
[Large Magical Beast ] by Steinpratt
This is one powerful beast!
[Small Animal ] by mike
weak when alone but strong in packs these insectile creatures attack using mainly melee attacks and only ue poison when the prey is out of reach. can climb most surfaces and burrown into most soils. very susceptable to cold
[Tiny Animal (Earth)] by Volfied Raven
This creature is a kender of another plane, where it came this one is unknown. It is short, small, and grows with the owner.
Just has the same properties with the kenders, and speaks only one language which only kenders can understand.
Black Tauren-Dragon
[Large Dragon (Chaotic, Water)] by Daniel Hopper
Dragons are winged, reptile-like creatures of ancient lineage who are feared for their power and sheer size. Minotaurs are half-bull, half-man; monsters that are as ferocious as they are fearsome. When they breed, they create the most destructive force in the world: the Tauren-Dragons.
Black Tiger
[Medium-size Shapechanger ] by Golab17
This is a limited shapechanging spirit that takes the form of a tiger.
Blazing Hound
[Medium-size Magical Beast (Fire)] by Zoz
These large creature look like flaming wolves with feindis eyes.
Bleeding Beetle
[Large Vermin ] by Ogre_Bane
This large beetle has two large mandibles it clicks as well as six very thin legs that scuttle as it approaches you. Its chitinous body seems to be made of metal plates and seems it would turn aside any attack. The most noticeable features are a very large horn jutting from its head and the constant black liquid oozing from cracks in its body.
Blood Tribe
[Medium-size Humanoid ] by Svartlock
The fearsome warrior tribes of the black marshes, with legs and head of a goat and human body, the Blood Tribe is a general name to a race of demon-like creatures who roam the land in sreach of slaughter and blood spilling.
Blue Tauren-Dragon
[Huge Dragon (Earth, Lawful)] by Daniel Hopper
Dragons are winged, reptile-like creatures of ancient lineage that are feared for their power and sheer size. Minotaurs are half-bull, half-man; monsters that are as ferocious as they are fearsome. When they breed, they create the most destructive force in the world: the Tauren-Dragons!
Body Borrower
[Medium-size Undead (Incorporeal)] by Dingir Xul
An incoporeal undead that tends to avoid combat in favor of decieving travelers and the stealing their bodies.
Bog Giant
[Large Giant ] by David Graf
Bog giants are the bane of any civilization that thrives near a swamp, moor, or marsh. They are difficult to kill, hard to see in their home terrain, and deal great amounts of damage in melee combat. They are more sickly than trolls in appearance and slightly stronger than an average ogre.
[Huge Beast (Earth)] by DSP311
Bokh is a Mountain Ogre that has a small mind but makes up in brute strength. His Cloaking abillaties make him able to hide in practically plain site. His ferce spiked club is his wepon of choice and abillaties to run and jump and climb are astounding.
[Small Beast (Reptilian)] by Zoz
A botog is a small reptilian creature with only three legs. However this is no hindurance to botog as it is well adept at using only it's three legs and it can even use all three in one attack. Also with it's fast healing ability it is a very challenging creature indeed.
[Small Animal ] by Bagweed Over wide
Averaged sized wolf like creature. The main difference is the point that it has green fur They usually attack in packs of about 20 and while 1 or 2 almost any adventurer could most likely take out in pack it takes a lot more experiance.
[Huge Beast ] by Mikko Telkamo
Living on the cold plains, the brontotherium was thought to be dead for a millenia. But this prehistoric beast is far from dead...
Burned One
[Small Undead (Fire)] by Sean Macdonald
Springing from the shadows you see a horrific sight of a small horribly burned figure. Its skin is blackened, flaking and cracked and it makes a sound of crumpled paper as it moves. Just as it exits the darkness its head and hands burst into flames and it lets out a chilling shriek of pain.