Currently there are 7 creatures on the list. |
Wailing Woman
[Medium-size Undead (Incorporeal)] by ChipDancer
The Wailing Woman is the spirit of a lover who's death came too early and the loss of her loved one through her death has kept her in the mortal realm so she could watch over her loved ones. It isn't until something precious to the memory of her loved one is stolen from her that she rises and wails for it's return and in so doing disturbs the rest of other nearby dead causing them to rise and do her bidding.
Warrior of Shrouds
[Medium-size Undead (Evil)] by Ogre_Bane
The Warrior of Shrouds is the undead revenant that has been called back by a Master of Shrouds, a divine necromancer. They are immensly powerful and often lead other undead against the forces of good.
3.5 ready!
Winged Halfling (Avian Hin)
[Small Monstrous Humanoid (Air)] by Ichabod Spoonfilcher
The Avian Hin are a reclusive race native to the jungles of Toril. They spend their time planning hit-and-run raids against their hated enimies, the yaun-ti.
[Medium-size Monstrous Humanoid ] by Venger
Based on the Palladium fantasy RPG's creatures of the same name. Wolfen are civilized but many humans see them as savages because as they expanded north they encountered territorial wolfen who responded as if the humans were invaders. The wolfen race is divided into twelve tribes. Traditionally there were thirteen, but one was wiped out during an atrocity in the past.
Wooly Mammoth (Talking)
[Huge Animal ] by Kipper Snifferdoo
A talking wooly mammoth is a massive herbivore found in Icewall that has the uncanny ability to speak common.
Wrathful Taunter
[Small Undead (Incorporeal, Extraplaner)] by Sean Macdonald
An emaciated kender with rotting skin and patches of missing hair shambles towards you and in a clear, shrieking, piercing voice begins to call you the most horrible names and verbally assaults you with the most atrocious insults.
[Medium-size Humanoid ] by Anna M. Dobritt
Created by the Goddess of Guardianship Celena and the God Kelarta Giver of Life, Wulfin exist to protect those who are followers of the good pantheons.