Currently there are 15 creatures on the list. |
[Tiny Ooze ] by Kogaru
Created by an insidious mage, the self replicating face-oozer, who would smash into the faces of their targest, repaid their creator by having him as their first victim. Acidic at touch, they live only to kill. How exciting!
[Medium-size Monstrous Humanoid (Air)] by Joe Chipperfield
A medium size flying humanoid, the falco is often confused with celestials.
Fallen One
[Medium-size Undead ] by pain dragon
A former human fighter, Fallen Ones are created in a frightening ritual by evil barbarians who want a large, powerful force in a hurry.
[Medium Humanoid ] by Irene
A feline humanoid, mostly human in appearance, with short fur, catlike eyes, fangs, small claws, and dramatically pointed ears, looking like elf ears.
[Medium Humanoid (Extraplanar)] by Chris Nichols
A man of fiendish mien approaches. A pair of small flesh-colored horns rises from his brow. He give an intimidating grin filled with pointed teeth as he unsheathes his sword with one clawed hand.
[Large Giant ] by IvartheBarbarian
Big bully realtives to the orcs!
Fetish Shaman
[Small Undead] by Ogre_Bane
An undead jungle spirit.
3.5 ready!
Fire Mask
[Medium-size Outsider (Evil)] by The Knight of Ravens
A slightly tougher, but no less pathetic version of the Shy Man, the Fire Masks are the archers of the Nightmare Armies. These creatures are usually in the company of Shy Men, Gaunt Flyers, and Soulherders. The Fire Masks tend to be slightly more aware of their surroundings, and on occasion seem to take glee in killing.
Fire Serpent
[Gargantuan Magical Beast (Fire)] by Serpentfire
A Fire Serpent is basically an enormous snake of living fire. They radiate heat, can breath fire, and their feathers are made of flame that will never go out. They are extremely smart and have accumulated vast knowledge which is passed down from serpent to serpent.
Flame Wolfe
[Small Elemental (Fire, Shadow)] by Amanda
These Wolves are the Children of Sirrion, god of the Flames.They are given only to his clerics.They are strong, intelligent, and have human like emotions, and can speak with telepathy,and will not burn their allies.
[Tiny Elemental (Fire)] by Purple Lord
When the adventurers gather around the campfire they are tired and want to sleep. But suddently a gruop of small creatures jumps out from the fire. They're firespawns.
Forest Imp
[Small Fey ] by Tobigera
These fey creatures are called imps for their mischievous nature. In truth, nobody really knows what they are. It is believed that they are the cross between a kender and a fey (type varies depending on who you ask) followed by years of inbreeding and occasional introduction of other species.
[Medium-size Humanoid ] by Snapdragyn
Makes good fodder for goblins and orcs. A mutation between giant frogs and goblins
[Small Undead (Incorporeal)] by Ben
A Furyface is an embodiment of anger. It exists only to fight.
[Huge Elemental (Fire)] by David Cortez
A large, quick, crafty fire elemental. Rather reclusive, but curious about new things. About 75% feel themselves superior to everything, could be considered their one flaw