The Wonderful Pouch of Sunshine Eternal
donated by Rian Nettlebranch
Description: A medium-sized pouch, made of
shiny golden silk and tied with a
golden twine. When held, it
appears that the pouch holds a ball
of soft yarn about the size of two
History: Before the Cataclysm, the pouch
was the property of a daring
vampire-hunter named Val Husling
of Tarsis. Among his many talents
was the use of magic (although
nobody knows if he had ever been
a full-time mage), and it is told that
he created the pouch in order to
destroy those evil creatures of the
dark. As it happened, one night a
traveling kender named Esnephie
Sheersock has encountered Val
Husling while the latter have been
using the magical pouch. Esnephie
was immediately taken with the
idea that he could now test the
new sundial he had found to see if
it was functioning. So he borrowed
the pouch, but by the time he had
finished using it (around eleven
fifteen pm, according to the
sundial), the vampire-hunter wasn't
to be seen anywhere. Esenphie
pocketed the pouch in order to
seek Van Husling out and return it
to him, but the two never met
again. Bad luck, too, because Van
Husling sure could have used the
pouch the next time he met a
vampire, which was, coincidentally,
the last time anyone had seen him.
How it Works: The pouch contains a ball of yellow
wool that have been affected with
a powerful continuous light spell.
The pouch is magically designed to
seal the spell within. Once the
twine is released and the pouch is
opened, a ray of light is allowed to
shine through the mouth of the
pouch, creating a floodlight as
bright as mid noon sun. The light
can be directed wherever the
mouth of the pouch is turned, and
lasts until the pouch is closed again.
The light doesn't have the same
effects as the original continuous
light spell - it acts like ordinary
sunlight, which means it can be
used against creatures who are
damaged by sunlight. It can also be
used for illumination, tanning,
drying wet clothes and creating
silhouette-shows. No other items
can be placed in the pouch, nor
can the ball of wool be removed
from it. |