Clogar's 3rd Edition Kender by Ron Cole

(Revised 11/05/00)

Kender - A Player Character Race for the Dragonlance World

If one race would be considered the spirit of Krynn, it would have to be the kender. Fearless, kind, irrepressible, and filled with curiosity, they have explored regions of the world other races have never even imagined and come back to tell the tale. They have fought beside the armies of good and helped battle back the forces of evil, never once complaining of the danger or fleeing from overwhelming odds. Kender have even stood besides the Krynnish gods, helping them with their immortal struggles and even calling them personal friends. Yet after all these accomplishments, kender are still considered nuisances and vermin by society at large. This is just another facet of existence that makes a kender's life exciting, and most wouldn't have it any other way.

Personality. Kender are known mainly for two principle traits that all seem to share - a lack of fear and a loose sense of ownership. Though this would make a frightening psychological combination in many other races, the natural innocence and kindness inherent in all kender makes for a strange combination - incredible allies and friends to adventurers, while a bane to all merchants. The following points should be kept in mind when dealing with kender:

Lack of Fear. Kender are almost completely fearless, with the consequences of their actions often not registering in their minds until well after the effects have been felt. This does not mean that they are insensitive to the needs and feelings of others; Some kender have been known to break down in uncontrollable weeping when they have learned their actions have hurt the feelings of their friends. Rather, kender simply don't think far enough ahead to realize what might happen, and the kender mind has the uncanny ability to block out negative experiences in a way that "painful" lessons fade away from their conscious mind.

Loose Sense of Ownership. Kender society does not have the same sense of ownership that others do. Kender constantly "borrow" each-other's possessions, often without asking, and then "borrow" their own possessions back if they need them. When travelling among other races, local laws never completely sink in, and kender will often "find" the items of others in their pouches. Note that most kender NEVER steal, and would be seriously offended if accused of such. Natural Innocence. All kender have a child-like innocence about them. This sentiment permeates who they are; for instance, almost all kender try not to hurt the feelings of others, to help those in need, and to protect any beings they come across that are in trouble. In all recorded history, there has never been any record of an "evil" kender (except, perhaps, in the eyes of merchants).

Curiosity and Wanderlust. Born with an overwhelming sense of curiosity, kender love to explore and discover new things. In fact, this curiosity is so powerful that it often overpowers reason, such as when a kender goes into an ogre cave to find out what they eat for dinner ("Hello, Mr. Ogre! I was just wondering what smells so awful in that pot!") or enjoys his stay in the dungeon of an evil cleric too much ("Wow! These rusty chains are really neat! And that skeleton in the corner is really funny-looking! Hey, do you think there are any ghosts down here? I've always wanted to see a ghost..."). Around the time they reach full maturity (about 20 years of age), kender begin to experience Wanderlust - a drive to explore all the corners of the world and experience great adventures. Wanderlust is the reason kender can be found on almost all the roads of Ansalon, as well as in every city on Krynn. Wanderlust usually lasts through middle-age in a kender, though it has been known to end earlier or later depending on circumstances.

Physical Description: Kender usually stand between three and a half to four feet tall, and look slender (usually weighing between 80 and 100 pounds). Obese kender tend to only show their weight in their stomach regions, making them look extremely comical to most races. Kender have pointed ears similar to those of elves, and favor long hairstyles including the "topknot" (similar to a ponytail but worn higher on the head). Most kender can not grow facial hair, though there are a few exceptions.

Relations: Kender try to be friends with everyone they meet, but more often then not find themselves on the wrong side of the law due to their "borrowing" habits. Most major cities will find their jail cells filled with kender by the end of any given night, and usually release said denizens the next morning (often outside the city gates).

Alignment: Goodness dominates kender society, which is why almost all are of good alignment. Though most kender try to obey laws, their impulsive nature makes neutrality and chaos better choices.

Kender Lands: There are a few kender cities on Ansalon, including the legendary Kendermore (on the Goodlund Peninsula) and Hylo (on Northern Ergoth in Kenderhome). These cities have more of a system of leaders then an actual government, with the kind kender heart and their carefree attitude generating little need for a more organized system. As well, small "kender districts" can be found in almost every major human city on Ansalon. These small areas tend to be dominated by kender (members of other races rarely live in such areas for fear that all of their possessions will be "borrowed"), but anyone is welcome. Such areas often have large walls built around them and heavy gates that are locked during certain hours, usually at the insistence of the other races in the city.

Religion: Kender revere all of the gods of good, and rarely favor one over the others (as kender find ALL of the aspects of the gods of good interesting). On rare occasions when a kender decides to devote him- or her- self to a single god, it is usually Branchala (due to his wonderful songs and interesting stories), Habbakuk (kender love their animal friends), or Mishakal (here kind spirit is very similar to that of the kender). It is extremely rare for a kender to devote him- or her- self to a neutral god, and unheard of for any to join the church of an evil god (though kender do enjoy visiting them, much to the displeasure of the clerics!).

Language: Common is the most used kender language, though Kenderspeak (a jumble of words and rules loosely formed from almost every other Krynnish language) is also known in the major kender cities. Though kender know how to read and write, they enjoy the experience of telling stories much than simply reading a book; as such, kender history and philosophy are usually passed down via an oral tradition rather than through writings.

Names: Kender go through a lot of names during childhood, nicknames being used just as often as those their parents gave them. The one that fits the child the most is usually the one the child choose to be known as when they enter adulthood, though variations will appear throughout a kender's life. These names are usually combinations of other words the kender find interesting or descriptive, but can also be legendary names that the kender hold dear. Family names are usually derived from a family or individual's profession and/or deeds.

Male Names: Thorn, Badger, Bluemane, Tasslehoff, Kazlehoff.

Female Names: Lilly, Bright-Eyes, Goldenray, Elya, Laurika.

Family Names: Birdseeker, Logsplitter, Seaswimmer, Trapspringer, Lambsaver.

Adventurers: Kender adventurers are the norm, as wanderlust usually calls them away from their places of birth and out into the world in search of adventure.


Kender Racial Traits

  • +3 Dexterity, -2 Strength, -1 Wisdom; Lithe and dexterous, a kender's body is perfectly built for getting it into tight places and avoiding blows; that same build, however, also results in less physical strength. And though kender can be very intelligent, their natural curiosity and luck tends to dull their wisdom when it comes to making "sane" choices.
  • Small: Kender are small creatures, and have all the resulting bonuses and penalties due beings of their size. See the 3E-PHB, page 20, for complete details.
  • Kender Base Speed is 20 feet.
  • Low-light Vision: A Kender's keen eyes allow it to see twice as far as "normal races" in near-darkness such as distant torchlight or starlight. They retain the ability to distinguish color and other details in such situations.
  • +2 racial bonus on Move Silently and Escape Artist checks due to a kender's natural grace and agility.
  • +2 racial bonus to Open Lock and Pick Pocket skill checks. A kender's natural curiosity drives it to open more chests and search more pockets by the time it reaches ten years of age then most thieves of other races will during their entire careers.
  • Naturally adept: Kender may use the Move Silently and Open Lock skills even if untrained.
  • +2 racial bonus to all Listen checks due to the kenders' sensitive hearing.
  • -2 racial penalty on all Bluff checks. Kender are known for their gullibility and fondness for telling entertaining (though slightly exaggerated) stories. A "kender tale" is a common term used in many societies to describe a fictional account or tall tale.
  • -2 racial penalty on all Sense Motive skill checks. The kenders' childlike nature and "honest" society make them very susceptible to the lies of others.
  • +4 morale bonus on all saving throws against fear. The entire kender race seems almost immune to the effects of fear, as their natural curiosity usually takes hold of their minds in times of great danger.
  • +1 racial bonus to all saving throws. Kender seem to have uncanny luck which helps them to avoid harm.
  • +2 racial bonus to all saving throws dealing with magic. Legend holds that this is due to the way in which the kender race was created.
  • -2 racial penalty to the DC of all spells cast by the kender. Due to the natural resistance kender have to magic, all of the spells they cast are less effective than those of most other races.
  • -1 racial penalty to maximum spell level. Kender cast spells one level below their maximum spell level. If this penalty takes them below the lowest possible spell level for their class, then they can not cast any spells until later levels. Example: A level 1 kender mage can only cast level 0 arcane spells, and would have to wait until level 3 in order to cast level 1 arcane spells.
  • Kender Taunt: When a "Kender Taunt" is declared, the kender attempts to enrage an intelligent being into violent (and often stupid) action. If the kender makes a successful Bluff check (-2 circumstance penalty if the victim does not know the kender's language) against the target, the following occur for the next 1d10 rounds: the victim is so enraged that they focus all of their attacks on the kender, lose their dodge bonus to AC, and suffer a -2 circumstance penalty to all mental-based skill checks (those based on Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma). Though a kender may re-try to taunt a target if they fail their Bluff check, they may only successfully taunt someone once a day (a person can only expend so much rage on insults). Taunting is a Standard Action.
  • Kender Pouch Grab: 3 times a day, a kender character may declare that they are making a "kender pouch grab" as long as they have the majority of their pouches/bags/packs with them. The player makes a percentile roll and consults the Kender Pouch Grab Chart to find out what is drawn. All UN-owned items drawn will disappear back into the kender's pouches within a day (technically removed from play), though the DM has the option of allowing certain items to stay around longer in special situations. Making a pouch grab is a full-round action.
  • Extraordinary Kender Pouch Grab: After reaching 7th level, a kender may attempt an "extraordinary kender pouch grab" once per day. The player makes a percentile roll and consults the Extraordinary Kender Pouch Grab Chart to find out what is drawn. All UN-owned items drawn will disappear within a day (technically remove from play) unless extraordinary circumstances occur (such as a villain taking the item or the kender being constantly incapacitated). Note that another party member taking the item and trying to hide it from the kender does not count as an extraordinary circumstance (kender seem to find such items with ease and return them to their pouches, whether conscious of the act or not). Making a pouch grab is a full-round action.
  • All kender gain a bonus exotic weapon feat which they can use to select a kender racial weapon to be proficient with. Most choose the hoopak, though other choices among fighters are not uncommon.
  • Automatic Languages: Common and Kenderspeak. Bonus languages: Centaur, Ergothian, Estwilde, Gnomish, Goblin, Gully Talk, Kalinese, Kharolian, Minotaur, Nordmaarian, Ogre, and Solamnic. Kender are well-traveled and pick up many languages.
  • Favored Class: Rogue.. er.. Handler. No self-respecting kender would ever call themselves a rogue or thief.

Tables and Charts
Kender Pouch Grab Chart
Percent Result
01-02 - A medium-sized magical item owned by one of the kender's companions such as a spellbook, belt, or helm, so long as the kender has a backpack or sack of sufficient size to pull it from (DM may choose or decide randomly on the owner and item).
03-05 - A class kit owned by one of the kender's companions that weighs no more than 10 pounds, or sufficient materials from a heavier kit to invalidate the bonuses (DM may choose or decide randomly on the owner and item).
06-10 - A small magical item owned by one of the kender's companions such as a ring or bracelet (DM may choose or decide randomly on the owner and item).
11-15 - A small-sized simple weapon owned by one of the kender's companions (DM may choose or decide randomly on the owner and item).
16-20 - An article of clothing owned by one of the kender's companions (DM may choose or decide randomly on the owner and item).
21-25 - 1d4 colorful sea shells.
26-30 - An assortment of feathers.
31-35 - 1d4 shiny stones.
36-40 - A knot of string in various colors.
41-45 - A worn table item.
46-50 - A 3-foot long thin leather cord.
51-55 - A candle.
56-60 - A small silver mirror.
61-65 - 5 feet of silk rope.
66-70 - Manacles.
71-75 - A lockpick.
76-80 - A spyglass.
81-83 - 1-2 (1d4 / 2) arrows.
84-86 - 1d4 sling bullets.
87-89 - A tiny simple weapon.
90-92 - A small simple weapon.
93-94 - A tiny exotic weapon.
95-96 - A small martial weapon.
97-98 - A healing potion.
99 - DM's choice of any useful item on the list.
00 - Kender's choice of any small-sized item they own or DM's choice (player may chose).

Note: The DM should feel free to alter this list in any way he/she feels is appropriate. Two different kender in the same party, for instance, might have two different lists.

Extraordinary Kender Pouch Grab Chart
Percent Result
01-20 - Re-roll using the Kender Pouch Grab Chart.
21-25 - 5 feet of chain and an average-quality lock.
26-30 - A magnifying glass.
31-35 - Thieves' Tools.
36-40 - A bag of caltrops.
41-45 - A flask of antitoxin.
46-50 - A flask of holy water.
51-55 - A flask of acid.
56-60 - A tanglefoot bag.
61-65 - A thunderstone.
66-70 - 1d4 tindertwigs
71-75 - A sunrod.
76-80 - A smokestick.
81-83 - 1-2 (1d4 / 2) arrows +1.
84-86 - 1d4 sling bullets +1.
87-89 - A tiny simple weapon +1.
90-92 - A small simple weapon +1.
93-94 - A tiny exotic weapon +1.
95-96 - A small martial weapon +1.
97-98 - A simple map made by the kender of the surrounding area. After looking at the map, the kender is then allowed a search roll with a DC of 10 to discover any secret doors/sections that the party may have missed in the general area. The DC goes up by +5 for each secret door found using the map.
99 - DM's choice of any useful item on the list.
00 - Kender's choice of any item on the list or DM's choice (player may chose).

Note: The DM should feel free to alter this list in any way he/she feels is appropriate. Two different kender in the same party, for instance, might have two different lists.

Random "Pouch Grab" Size Chart (1d4)
------------------------------- 1 tiny
2-3 small
4 medium

Random "Pouch Grab" Table Item Chart (1d6)
1 cup
2 plate
3 bowl
4 knife
5 spoon
6 candleholder

Random "Pouch Grab" Material Chart
1-5 Clay
6-9 Wood
10-12 Tin
13-15 Copper
16-17 Silver
18-19 Gold
20 Steel

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