The GURPS Kender by Brian
This is a Kender write up developed for the GURPS Gaming system.
Kender [57 1/2]
DX +2 [20]; HT +1 [10]; IQ +1 [10].
Advantages: Alertness +2 [10]; Charisma +1 [0]*; Cultural
Adaptability [25]; Group Skill Bonus (Sling and Thrown Weapons +1)
[6]; Infravision (10-hex range, -70%) [11]; Magic Resistance 4 [8];
Musical Ability 1 [1]; Racial Skill Bonus (Holdout +2) [2]; Racial
Skill Bonus (Mimicry +1) [2]; Racial Skill Bonus (Starglazing +2)
[1]; Rapier Wit [5]; Resistant to Poison [5]; Unfazeable [15].
Disadvantages: Compulsive Behavior: Wanderlust (only strikes
at onset of adulthood; wears off after 3 successful Will rolls;
-70%) [-4]; Curious x 2 [-10]; Impulsiveness [-10]; Kleptomania
[-15]; Odious Racial Habit (childlike behavior) -2 [-10]; Reputation
-2 (thieving nuisances) [-10]; Short Attention Span [-10]; Weak
Will -1 [-8].
Racial Quirks: Feelings easily hurt; Independent; Love
music and dancing; Responsive [-4].
Racially Learned Skills: Lockpicking at IQ [2]; Pickpocket
at DX-2 [1]; Stealth at DX-2 [1/2]; Traps at IQ [2].
* Free from Cultural Adaptability.