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ATTACK by Massimiliano Bertuzzi

Then Tasslehoff's shrill voice rang out. "These scum will fight for anyone, Tanis. Throw them soem dog meat once in a while and they're yours forev -" "Dog meat!" The goblin croaked and turned from Flint in a rage. "How about kender meat, you little squeaker!" The goblin flapped toward the apparently unarmed kender, it's purplish red hands grasping for his neck.
from Dragons of Autumn Twilight by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman


Quiby, or better known (or not known) as Quib by his friends, is a bit more absent minded then the average kender. When he left Kendermore after the incident with the Knights of Takhisis (DOSF), he 'accidentally' took his mother's, Paxina Thistleknot's, magical hoopak. Whoops... This kender ranger's usual apparel is green trousers ,a brown shirt with a leather vest, and boots that are almost always covered with some kind of soot. His auburn hair is worn in a fairly long topknot and his eyes are emerald green. He also has a high warble much like his sister Taywin's which has more than one time gotten him into trouble.


Pandora knows how importent it is to look your best, even in the midst of battle you always want to leave a good impression. This is as close as she gets to wearing real armor. Though it serves no real practical porpose, it sometimes can distract her opponents long enough for her to quickly grab something useful out of her box, like some pez, an old 8-trak, a band-aid or whatever else she might be carrying.


Pandora was abandoned (accidently) as a child, when her forgetful mother saw something really awsome and shiny off in the distance, and wandered off after it. She was found by kind yak herders (whom she got her last name from), and raised by elves (who obviously gave her very good fashion sense). All that was found with her was a tiny, harmless looking box (hence her name). The box turned out to be a small-gateway between planes. With a little practice she learned how to use it in order to plane-shift, and she now uses to travel all over the place, never staying in one spot too long. (note: to all kender who i know would give their tounges and top-knots for this, sorry the box seems to only work for Pandora, for all others it operates as a +2 shoe box)


"I don't know what's going on here, but until I figure it out, you and that gem are staying with me," Stenrick said, lifting the kender atop of his war horse. "Are you really going to take me to your keep?" Kip inquired. "I've never been allowed in a real knight's keep before. Though one time I took a wrong turn and ended up in a black wizards keep. Have you ever heard of Grazek, the Bringer of Death? He didn't have a very level head. Although he did collect them..."
from With a Kender in the Lead by Sean Macdonald

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