Pouch of Pickling
donated by Slipshot Backflash
Description: This beautiful pouch is a light blue, with dark blue and green sitiching on it. It is a little larger than a nomal pouch.
History: I don't know where it came from, or how it was made, cause, um, well, the uh.. dragon who was guarding it, is kinda,dead. I found it when my friends and I helped get rid of a dragon that was destroying a friends friend of mine's town. They took all sorts of stuff, and only gave me this pouch. But I think that I got the better deal.
How it Works: It's simple really. All you do is put whatever you want into it, and poof! Its pickled! Not only is it pickled, but what ever you put in there becomes edible. I found that out when I accidently put my Spoon of Gathering in there. Oh yea, you kinda have to have tolerance for pickled things, otherwise, well.... lets just leave it at that. |