The Wonderful Bag of Tricks
donated by Toten Branchbender
Description: The Wonderful Bag of Tricks looks
like a small, unassuming sack of
bright blue, red, green, yellow,
pink, orange, etc. colors. Despite
its odd appearance, no one seems
to notice it.
History: I found it one day. Honestly it was
just sitting there by the river bank.
well any ways, I picked it up then
this nice man sat down next to me
and told me it was his but that if I
shared some bread with him that I
could have it and since I'm no thief
and I believe that all things should
be legitimately purchased, unless
they are found laying around, I of
course shared my bread to obtain a
new pouch.
How it Works: The oddest thing, when ever I put
my hand in there is nothing, but
when an angry merchant fails to
comprehend that I was only
cleaning the bracelet I put my
hand in the bag to find some item
such as a smoke stick or flash
powder that distracts him so I can
take my leave.
The Wonderful Bag of Tricks
produces escape items/slight of
hand tricks at random. Choose
the type of item you want then roll
a d10, the higher the roll the more
effective the item. |