Imagine a werewolf with bat wings. That's what it looks like. And it's bite is worse than it's bark.
These creatures stand 7 feet tall on their hind legs. With their wolf like visage, they can appear to be werewolves when you can't see them well. However, when they come at you, their bat-like wings become obvious, and the silver weapons you invested in are useless. Although they are usually found in the forests, these beasts are able to survive in almost any climate. They eat meat, although what kind doesn't usually matter. Dirges are travel in nomadic families, and when you find one, others usually aren't far behind. Loners and packs are usually hunting, and whatever the kill they take back to the family.
Dirges use their speed and strength to plow oppenents into the ground. In most settings, they'll try and fly in from above and immediately go into melee.
When a spell-caster becomes obvious(fireball, lightning), they switch tactics, trying to constrict them with their tails while fighting others off at the same time. While constricted, anyone caught by the tail is considered grappled for all intents and purposes. Constricting does 2d10+3 damage each round.
When both claws hit, it can rend for another 2d8+7.
Magical beasts have darkvision with a range of 60 feet and low-light vision.
They can track with scent.
Damage reduction 5/+2.
Fast healing 5/round.
They behave in the nomadic patterns seen in normal animal carnivors. However, posses a higher intelligence, and can reason enough to know they can take most animals, and that when humanoids are too powerful, to fight defensively and try to get away.
This creature has not yet been play tested.
This is not a kender type creature.