The servants of the evil Shadar. The wrath of the Shadow Lord incarnate. The Gar-Karai are a race of monstrous creatures whose single purpose is to crush the enemies of the shadow. Since the fall of Faerun, the Gar-Karai are everywhere, looking for the last pockets of resistance and ruthlessly eliminating them.
The Gar-Karai stand 8 feet tall, with dark brown umber skin and long black or white hair. They are immensely strong and ripple with muscle beneath their tough hides. Typically, a Gar-Karai warrior will be decorated with warpaint that indicates his standing within the War Party (as well as which War Party he belongs to) and which Shadar he serves.
The Gar-Karai are omnivorous, but greatly prefer meat that has been freshly killed. They will attack anything to get food; their warriors are totally fearless. It should be noted, however, that the creatures do not need to eat more than once or twice a lunar cycle, but often eat their defeated foes.
The Gar-Karai are militaristic, and never spend any time not on the battlefield or guarding the residence of one of the Shadar. All Gar-Karai are male; they are created through sorcerous incantations cast upon some other humanoid creature. When the spell is cast, the humanoid looses all memories of his or her past life and is warped in body into a male Gar-Karai.
The Gar-Karai prefer brutal cunning when they fight. Their Fangswords are huge blades with notches cut into them to better rip and tear through their foes' flesh. Longbows are used to weaken an enemy before a charge (rarely) or to shoot down fleeing enemies (also rarely). Instead. the Gar-Karai like to charge en masse and slaughter as many foes as possible in hand-to-hand combat, driving the others away. Of course, the bloodthirsty monsters always persue fleeing prey...
The Gar-Karai heal at an incredible rate, and are tremendously resistant to pain. They generally will not show any sign of their wounds until the moment they drop to the ground, dead. Every round, each Gar-Karai that has been injured may make a Constitution check (DC 20) to regenerate one hit die worth of lost HP. The Gar-Karai are also exceptional trackers with a keen sense of smell. They can track in the worst of conditions and follow a week-cold trail with unerring accuracy. Once the Gar-Karai are on a scent, they never give up, no matter how long their quarry eludes them. Only a direct command from the Shadow Lord or one of the Shadar can break their persuit. In the end, their quarry will have to face them in a fight to the death.
The Gar-Karai live a life of obedience. They have no society beyond service to the Shadow Lord and the Shadar. They do not require sleep except for twenty-four hours once a month, and as such they simply remain on duty at all times. The single day of the month when the Gar-Karai hibernate is invariably prepared for very carefully by the Shadar; it wouldn't do for them to be caught by the forces of light without their bodyguards around!
This creature has been play tested.
This is not a kender type creature.