Kenya's Hoopak of Friendship
donated by Kenya Goodfellow

It is a normal looking hoopak except it has a gold tip with a heart-shaped ruby in it.

History: It was made for me by a wizard friend of mine named Arsanic. Of course I had to find all of the components he needed to make the hoopak for me.

How it Works: It is a hoopak of quikness +3. It also gives all of the kenders' friends within a 15' radius a +1 to attack againest all evil creatures. The hoopak can also speak common, kender, and gnome and it has an intelligence of 9. This hoopak can only be picked up by its owner, anyone else who tries to pick up the hoopak must make a save vs poison with a -2 penalty or suffer 3d8+3 points of damage and automatically drop the hoopak. If the kender throws the hoopak and misses it automatically flies back to the kender and returns to him in the same round.

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