The Kender Flail of Pretty Colors
donated by TackInToe HurtsRealBad

It is a flail that has all the colors of the rainbow. It is as big as a short sword.

History: The evil mage Nivek Kenderkill neede a kender sacrifice in order to make the flail a perfect kender killing machine. I was imprisoned by many locks( because the mage needed all of his magical abilities in order to imbue the flail correctly ) and was able to pick them rather quickly. I ran away from the tower and didnt stop until i got to an inn. It was then when i realized, because I wasn't there anymore, the mage obiously need the flail so he gave it to me as a parting gift.

How it Works: It entrances creatures by the whirling of the flail. They look at the spinning colors and drop all defenses. The flail then smashes the opponents head in, making it very effective.

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