Philsophers Ring
donated by Orionthalas Tarrasqueslayer

A plain gold band

History: No one knows it's origin. A man in our campaign found it and made the mistake of putting it on.

How it Works: When this ring is worn the wearer responds to any situation or question with some kind of philosphical cliche' example: Someone gains some XP's, the wearer of the ring would say something like: "Good judgement derives from experience and experience derives from bad judgment." The wearer will be heard quoting Nitzche, Confucious, or any number of philosophers. This ring does not affect actions, the wearer will not stop in the middle of a melee round to spout off philosophy. When worn for too long the ring has a worse side effect: The wearer will begin to speak like Yoda at all times. ex: What do you want to eat? The wearer will respond, "Looks good what you are eating. Yes, eat meat I will. Drink ale I will. But the stew... eat it I will not." BEWARE THIS ITEM! The wearer becomes extremely annoying and will most likely be throttled by companions.

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