Congor's Real Walking Stick Of Reality
donated by ChronoDragon

This un-normally real looking realistic real life reality walking stick, can look as real as the next, but when thought to be unreal, it looks the most real of all real walking sticks in a 500000000000000km radius, because after all, in reality, this is Congor's Real Walking Stick of Reality, and it is VERY REAL!!!

History: This is a real walking stick, it was made by a real person from real reality, a totally normal man from everyday, real life named Congor Farsole. Congor Farsole, was a real man, very similar to his real walking stick, which is very real if i have not applied that to your attention myself already. This came from Congor Farsole's workshop on the outskirts of his hole, next to a tree. T'was not a sandy hole, the hobbit hole, nor was it dark, and slimy as though it were evil. This hobbit hole, is not a hobbit hole because no hobbit had lived in it for years.

How it Works: This real, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, VERY, REAL walking stick does things. It seems to have a tendency to help people walk in reality, but not in non- reality because it is only a real walking stick. This walking stick's reality, is very real to the naked eye. Anyways, this normal, real walking stick of reality, helps it's owner walk. Nothing more is expected of this walking stick, therefore it does nothing other than help the handicaped walk in real life reality situations.

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